JH & HS BB Sched
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
📸 Posting soon…awkward Xmas photos!
about 2 years ago, Kim Batman
I have so many pictures and a couple more videos to post, but I will start with this one! Is anybody else looking for Xmas break? I think the juniors might have found it!! 🎄
about 2 years ago, Kim Batman
Instead of doing a class gift exchange Montezuma 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders brought food to the school for a food drive. This food will be donated to the Gray County Food Bank.
about 2 years ago, Jaime Moyer
food drive
The last couple of weeks, the Montezuma 4th and 5th graders have worked on a project of running their own Christmas tree farm. During this project they worked on time, multiplication, adding, and subtracting. We talked about expenses and income with this project. They had to map out their own Christmas tree farm using area and perimeter. The 5th graders researched the different types of Christmas trees with Miss Watkins. Today, the 4th/5th graders traveled to Mullinville to learn more about a Christmas tree farm from the Headricks. What a great learning opportunity for our students! 🌲🌲🌲🎄
about 2 years ago, Jaime Moyer
HSBB: 12/20/22 @ Sublette
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
NHS still has coupon books available in the high school office! $30 each These would make great Christmas gifts! Call 620-846-2281 or stop in to get one.
about 2 years ago, Shelby Axtell
HSBB: 12/16/22, Ingalls @ SGHS
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
JHBB: Due to illness the C-team girls game has been reduced to a 1/2 game. It is the same start times and leave time.
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
🏃‍♀️Congratulations to Coach Granados! He was selected as the girls 1A coach of the year! We are proud of you!!
about 2 years ago, Kim Batman
Another senior seminar update and scholarship announcement! We have had the most support and follow thru with students applying for scholarships than ever before! So proud of the kids and the teachers in senior seminar!
about 2 years ago, Kim Batman
JHBB: 12/15/22, @ Ingalls
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
HSSB: The JV scholars bowl meet at Spearville today has been cancelled due to sickness @ SG.
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
HSBB: 12/13 Minneola @ SG
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
HSBB: Cimarron Tourney Schedule for Saturday. 12:00p Varsity boys 2:00p Varsity Girls, and JV boys 8:00p JVG ARRIVE EARLY AS THEY WILL START THE GAME 20 MINUTES AFTER THE PRECEDING GAME. TRANSPORTATION: Boys depart at 10:00am in Bus 15, Girls depart at 11:15 in the van and suburban.
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
Don’t forget about the NHS babysitting night! Do you need to finish up (or start) Christmas shopping? Want a night out without kids? Let NHS babysit for you! Friday, December 17th from 4:00-8:00 pm in the SGHS commons. Use the QR code to register!
about 2 years ago, Shelby Axtell
The music concert will be streamed live on http://SGRebels.tv
about 2 years ago, Kim Batman
JHBB: 12/8 Satanta @ SG (REVISED)
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
JHBB: 12/8, SG vs Satanta @ SG
about 2 years ago, Mark Applegate
Happy holidays! The SGHS Angel Tree is now set up at Bank 7! Thank you for your support!
about 2 years ago, Kim Batman