Lots of flyers attached:

Montezuma 4th graders went to Garden City today to a “Friends on the Farm” presentation. They learned about dairies, plants, sprayers, soil, and soybeans. What a great learning opportunity.

Congratulations to Attison! She was the player of the game on Monday! Stayed tuned for the boys game tonight vs. Pawnee Heights!

HSBB: 2/22/22, SG @ Spearville
Spearville HS is having an Autism Awareness night. They are asking that all fans from both sides wear an autism awareness shirt. The order form for the shirts is below. Make the check out to Spearville HS. The proceeds will go to the Perfect Fit Foundation in Dodge City. Take the order form and the money to the South Gray HS, or the Montezuma GS office, before Feb. 7th. We will get the shirts to you before the game.

USD 371 and USD 476 will have a two hour delay on Wednesday, January 26 no a.m. pre-K for Montezuma.

Correction - the deadline for the autism awareness shirts is February 7th NOT the 17th and all proceeds go to Perfect Fit in Dodge City.

In efforts to show awareness for autism, the following tshirts are being sold and will be worn when we play Spearville. Brooke Applegate is taking orders and will need sizes ASAP. The shirts will be delivered on February 17th. *the date on the attached shirt is wrong, but will be corrected. The cost for each shirt is $10.00
Please call the office if you would like to purchase with the short sizes and we will put your name on the list.

HSBB: SPIAA tourney
Due to the snow that has moved in to the area, it has been decided to postpone today’s games until tomorrow. The rest of the week looks more favorable in regards to the weather. The same schedule will be used tomorrow and we will start the first game at 2:45pm. Thank you for your understanding. Stay safe and warm today. —

SPIAA HS BB Tourney:

Congratulations to the JH big league read finalist. Mekayla Friesen is not pictures but is a finalist.

CONGRATULATIONS | Victory Electric is excited to announce the four 2022 Youth Tour applicants chosen to attend Youth Leadership Camp in Steamboat Springs, CO. To learn more about youth tour, visit: https://www.victoryelectric.net/youth-tour-cooperative-leadership-camp

From Sean Boston: Always enjoy when I get to share my job experiences with the younger generation. Very lucky to have Sam Moore join me for the evening session at the 79th Annual Dodge City TOC. Special thanks to Kimberly Batman for setting this up! Sam will be back with me on Friday night, as well. He’s an aspiring broadcaster from South Gray High School in Montezuma.


JHBB: @ HC (correction)
The games will be live streamed on NFHS

The SGJH and Copeland Elementary Spelling Bees will be live-streamed on southgrayrebels.tv. The JH Spelling Bee will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the Elementary Spelling Bee will begin at 1:00 p.m.

Dear parents and guardians,
As you are aware, the current surge in the omicron variant is creating immense pressure on our schools and staff members as we work to keep classrooms staffed and in-person learning possible.
To help alleviate some of the pressure on our schools, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), along with the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), support schools implementing a 30-day temporary suspension on all contact tracing activities.
What does this mean for you as parents and guardians? Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 18, our district will no longer notify families whose child may have been in contact, through classroom or extracurricular settings, with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you believe your child has been exposed to a positive case either at school or elsewhere, please consider keeping your child home for five days after the exposure. After that, your child may resume normal activities but should wear a well-fitting mask around others indoors and outdoors for an additional five days. Have your child tested five days after the exposure or immediately if they become symptomatic. Continue to monitor your child for symptoms of COVID-19 for 10 days after the exposure.
If your child is symptomatic, have him or her tested with a diagnostic test if available. Do not send your child to school if they are sick or if they test positive. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 should stay home for at least five days and be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before leaving home. After that, your child may resume normal activities but should wear a well-fitting mask around others indoors and outdoors for an additional five days. Please notify your school if your child tests positive.
If you have any questions regarding this change to school contact tracing protocols, please contact [name] [phone number or email address]. To learn more about this guidance change, visit https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/283/Education-K-12.
Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this challenging time for our schools and communities. We will continue to keep you informed as guidance changes are announced.
Mr. Zehr

Students: remember this one rule!!

As I am flipping through my legal pad of things to do…unending things to do, I see a note a student left for me. Not sure who did it, but thank you for the kindness!! 💙 KIDS! They are pretty amazing!

Scholarship Opportunity!! 💰

Congratulations to our MES spelling bee winners! First place is Porter and Zoraya is 2nd. 3rd place goes to Luke while Nicky is the alternate! 🏆