SGJH VB girls win vs. Satanta

Reminder SGHS parents: if your child is planning on coming to the dance Friday night, we ask that they bring the following: freshman: cold pop - no 2 liters as we most likely won’t have cups! Sophomores: something sweet, Juniors: something salty and Seniors: appetizers, sandwiches, etc! Thank you!!

Reminder: See You At The Pole tomorrow (9/22) morning at 7:30 in front of the High School!

SGHS students: New Tik Tok Challenge.
Make a video of yourself taking a Sonic drink to your teacher.

SG JH wins against Satanta.

JH VB wins vs. Pawnee Heights

JHVB: 9/20 Monday @ SGJH (Var)
We had to start at 5:30 tonight to accommodate an official.
5:30 SG vs PH
6:30 PH vs Satanta
7:30 SG vs Satanta
No football

HSVB: 9/25, @ KC tourney
Below are the brackets and also information if you would like to be a sponsor for our team or your daughters.
Here is the link with that Information.

HSFB: 9/24/21 SG vs Ness City (Homecoming)
5:30 Lions club ice cream social
6:30 Homecoming ceremony
7:00 Football game kickoff

HSVB: Tue. 9.21/21 @ SGHS (Senior night)
Ashland is unable to play JV at the same time as Varsity

JH VB/FB: Thursday 9/23 @ SGJH

A couple of things I forgot to mention earlier…STUCO Members: if you are out for vb or cross country and you are competing on Saturday, you need to follow your coaches curfew. We will figure something out in regards to clean up after the dance. EVERYONE: please note what you are supposed to bring to the dance as far as food! See you tomorrow! Pajama day!!

The activities for the week:

Please see the flyer attached! Friday our homecoming theme is USA and the cheerleaders have something special planned.

The football 🏈 game against Minneola is now cancelled. Be careful getting home.

14-12 second qtr. 30 minute delay for lightning! Go Rebels!

Spirit Week Theme Days

Lions Club Ice Cream Social

Tables for All Seasons! See Flyer Below

I hope you are enjoying our new Facebook page. With that, we also have a new web page. Go to USD371 and check it out. Please be patient as we continue to work on it and make adjustments. In the next few days, you should also be able to download an app for your phone! Have a great day and good luck to the JH 🏈🏐teams as they play Meade today!