Today our SGJH students participated in a Leadership Conference with Mr. Joe Coles. South Gray students worked together with students from Sublette on how to work and communicate together and with others in a positive way!
We just got word that the Texas roadhouse rolls truck has been delayed there WILL NOT be pick up tomorrow afternoon.
Out of our control. Sorry.
Sorry the Links didn't go through here they are again
Volleyball -
Cross Country -
TICKET INFORMATION: Below is a link to buy tickets on line to the state Cross Country, and the State Volleyball events. The admission for CC is $10, the admission for VB is $11.
If you a buying a ticket at the gate for CC they will only take cash.
This is an exciting week at South Gray HS. There is a lot of activities going on. We have our last Fb game at Ness City. The Volleyball team is playing in the state tournament. The Cross Country teams are running in the state meet. Below is the information for all events. IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE A REBEL
We have made some changes to the Red Ribbon Week schedule. Tomorrow 10/25 will now be Neon Day and Thursday 10/26 will be Show Your Rebel Pride to show support to our football team and our state bound volleyball and cross-country teams! Go Rebels!
We are having a PepRally/Sendoff for the Cross Country teams, and the Volleyball team ,and the Football team on Thursday at 1:45pm in the HS Gym. The FB team is departing at 2:30pm. The VB team is departing early Friday Morning and the CC team is departing Friday morning.
We are so proud to represent South Gray schools. Thank you to all the fans that came out to cheer for us we couldn't have done it without you. Congratulations to the Cross Country team on their win today.
What an accomplishment for our school. Thank you parents for raising such great kids. South Gray has some fierce competitors.
The Sub State Volleyball Tournament at Montezuma on 10/21/23 will be streamed by Kiowa County Media Center on YouTube.
Episode 5 is out! Listen to Montezuma's nurse practitioner, Lottie Garcia, talk about the medical field, how the clinic has changed throughout the years and how she got into the profession. Enjoy!
HSVB: 10/21/23, Sub-State Tourney @ SGHS.
Next week(October 23rd-27th) is Red Ribbon week! Show your support in standing up against destructive decisions. #ItsAGreatDayToBeARebel!
Regional Cross Country @ Meade tomorrow! Good Luck Rebels! *Graphic from Running Rebels Cross Country Facebook page*
I have been informed by the Gray Co. Sheriffs Dept. of an active shooter on the Garden City Community College campus. There is NO immediate threat to USD 371 nor USD 476. The department is patrolling the area and continues to update me. Access to our buildings is being monitored as usual.
Montezuma PTO Texas Roadhouse Rolls will be delivered to the school on Thursday, 10/26. If your student sold rolls, be looking for a note to come home in their backpack with more information on this. Great job, kids!
It has been brought to my attention that an individual is soliciting donations for a Special Education fund raiser in Montezuma. USD #371 is not soliciting donations on behalf of our SPED or any other program or activity.
The South Gray HS volleyball team plays it’s last regular season games tonight at Spearville. The bus will leave at 3pm. Go Lady Rebels! 🏐
Wonderful Fall Concert tonight. The SGJH Junior High students and SGHS students sang beautifully under the direction of both Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Loewen and accompanied by Mrs. Erickson.
On behalf of the SGHS Booster Club: We wanted to offer a soft sweatshirt option that is not year or sport specific. All proceeds go to the SGHS booster club.
Come and Enjoy our 6-12 Vocal Groups tonight in Copeland! 🎵🎶🎵🎶